The Exxat Prism New Student Dashboard is designed to provide a comprehensive and user-friendly interface to manage academic and placement-related information. You can now efficiently access your profile details, track experiential progress, review announcements, and manage pre-placement tasks.
Before you can begin using Exxat, you’ll need to get invited to the system. In this document, we will demonstrate how to set up your account and familiarize yourself with the Exxat Prism System.
There are two types of login access:
- Standard Accounts: Utilizes a unique password to access your Prism account.
- Single Sign On Accounts(SSO): Utilizes your schools third party identity verification software to access your Exxat Prism account. No additional password creation is needed!
There are two types of dashboards you will see based on your access to the different programs you are enrolled in or working with.
- Access to Single Programs
- Access to Multiple Programs
- Reset Password
1. You will receive an email from in your inbox.
- Click on the hyperlink to go to Exxat.
- If the link does not work, copy and paste the URL provided in a new tab/window.
2. You’ll be redirected to Exxat Prism. Enter your new password following the guidelines. Click on the Submit button once ready.
3. You’ll then get a confirmation message letting you know your password setup was successful.
4. You can now login to your account! Head on over to and enter the email address for which you received the invitation, along with your password. Then click on the next button.
Please note, Internet Explorer is not a supported browser.
5. Before you can login, you must agree to Exxat’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Click on the privacy policy and terms of use hyperlinks to view the related documents. Click on the Accept button when you are ready.
6. To get familiar with Exxat Prism, read the Navigating Exxat section below.
Single Sign On Login
- You will receive an email from in your inbox.
- Click on the hyperlink to go to Exxat Prism.
- If the link does not work, copy and paste the URL provided in a new tab/window.
- You’ll be redirected to Exxat. Click on the Activate button.
- The system will inform you that your account activation is in progress. You will receive a notification once your account is ready for you to access.
- To login to your account, go to and enter your school email address in the username field, then click on the Next button. You will be redirected to your school’s login page.
- Please note, Internet Explorer is not a supported browser.
- Login to your school portal. Once you are done, you’ll be redirected to Exxat Prism.
- Before you can login, you must agree to Exxat’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Click Accept when ready.
- To get familiar with Exxat Prism, read the Navigating Exxat section below.
Access to Single Programs
When you first log in using your login credentials you will land on the Exxat Prism Dashboard
Access to Multiple Programs
Your school may want to provide you access to multiple programs.
Your school can achieve this by setting up dual enrollment access for you.
If they set up dual enrollment access for your account, when you login you will be taken to a page like this one:
You can click on one of the program cards to access the dashboard of that program.
Please Note -
- Your Profile will not be synchronized across all programs. You will needs to update your profile details separately within each program.
Accessing New Student Dashboard
To access the new student dashboard, perform the following steps:
- Log-in to Exxat PRISM by specifying your username and password or using your SSO if configured.
- On the dashboard, click Click here on the following message:
Check out the new student home page experience. Click here to switch to the new view. - The new student dashboard is displayed.
Note: Click Click here displayed in the "Prefer the old view? You can easily switch back with a single click. Click here to revert to the old dashboard." message to revert back to the old dashboard.
Exploring New Student Dashboard
The new student dashboard is divided into three sections, Left pane, right pane and middle pane. You can view the following details:
- Left Pane: The left pane displays your Profile Information, Experiential Progress, and Announcements.
- Middle Pane: The middle pane displays My Placements, School Resources, School Contacts, and Explore Clinical Locations sections.
Right Pane: The right pane displays Compliance and Pre-placement Task information.
Profile Information: On the top left side of the student dashboard, you can view the following details about your profile:
- Profile Picture: Displays your profile photo if you have uploaded.
- Student Details: Includes Cohort, ID, Your Name, University Name, Email ID, and Phone Number.
- Edit Profile: Click Edit Profile to view and edit your profile details. For more information, go to Completing Your Student Profile.
My Experiential Progress: Displays the number of Total Approved hours and Total Approved logs.
Note: Details are displayed only if you configure it to be displayed in the My Experiential Progress section.
- Click Total Approved hours to view and edit timesheet related information. For more information related to timesheets, go to Completing Timesheets > Timesheet Reports. <<Add info>>
- Click Total Approved logs to view and edit patient log related information. For more information related to patient log, go to Completing Patient Logs.
Note: The above cards are configurable based on the domain requirements. In cases where patient logs or timesheets are not utilized, these cards are not displayed. Additionally, for domains where patient logs are tracked by total hours rather than counts, the cards will display hours instead of counts. If neither patient logs nor timesheets have been set up for a course offering, then these cards are not displayed.
- View All Learning Activities: Click View All Learning Activities to access Learning Activities tab to explore all the feature available within the tab.
Announcements: On the left side of the student dashboard, you can view the announcements for your course or placements latest date order.
- Click View All to open the Announcements drawer on the right side of the dashboard to view all the announcements.
- Click Show More to read full details of the announcement.
My Placements: On the top of the middle pane, the following details are displayed:
Calendar View: Displays placements in the calendar view. The calendar highlights the current date and if there are more than one placement, then you can navigate between placements using arrows. The details are updated according to the placement displayed in the calendar. Following are the tags displayed based on the status of the placement:
The upcoming placements are displayed in grey tags
The ongoing placements are displayed in blue tags
The completed placements are displayed in green tags
Details Card: The details card displays course offering name, date, and placement location. You can hover on the location and click View Direction to open the location in google map. Click View Placement Details to view placement details for the course offering.
Action Required: Displays the attestations and requirements information required for you to submit for your placement. Click View Requirements or View Attestations to agree and review the attestations.
Upcoming Placement: Includes course offering name, blue tag, compliance status, location, rotation details, clinical instructor, patient logs, and timesheet information. The following options are displayed only for upcoming placements.
Current and completed Placement: Includes course offering name, blue tag, compliance status, location, rotation details, clinical instructor, patient logs, and timesheet information. You can view the following options if your university admin has configured it for you:
Patient Logs: Configurable cards that display total logs, approved logs, and need attention for the patient logs. Click Add Patient Log.
- In the Add Patient Log drawer, click Save, Submit or Download as PDF as required.
Timesheets: Configurable cards that display total, approved, and pending logs and hours. You can also add new logs and timesheets, view calendar, and access additional details.
- Click Add Time Entry.
- In the Add Time Entry drawer, specify the details.
- Click Save or Send for Review as required.
Forms and Evaluations: Displays the count of forms to be filled with View All.
Note: The Patient Logs, Timesheets, and Forms and Assignments are configurable based on the domain requirements. In cases where patient logs or timesheets are not utilized, these cards are not displayed.
Patient Logs: Configurable cards that display total logs, approved logs, and need attention for the patient logs. Click Add Patient Log.
My Coursework: Displays the total number of courses you are registered for. Click View All Coursework to view the coursework window.
- School Resources: Click here to view all the resources that the school has shared with you.
- Explore Clinical Locations: Click here to learn more about the clinical sites associated with your academic program.
- School Contacts: Click here to review the contact information for the faculty and staff from your program that is shared with you.
- Exxat Prism Learning Hub: Click here to view help documents, video tutorials, and FAQs for Exxat PRISM.
Need More Assistance: Click one of the following if you need assistance:
- Get Support: Allows you to raise a support ticket with PRISM.
- Chat with Agents: Allows you to chat live with our PRISM support.
- Ask Leo: AI help support that provides related information for your questions.
Compliance: Displays the total number of documents approved versus the total assigned. Click the View All to access the Compliance section in a new tab.
Pre-placement Tasks: Displays the details of wishlists or my request that have been opened up for your registered course offerings as well as slots published by your school. The wishlists and my requests are sorted by the due date.
Note: Two earliest wishlists are displayed in the dashboard, by default. To view all the wishlists, click View All in the Pre-Rotation Tasks section.
At the top of the page, you’ll find the following:
To get help, click on the question icon.
The Help page will give you access to Exxat’s help center (how-to guides to help you use Exxat Prism) and provide you with the ability to submit tickets to our support team and view previously uploaded tickets.
6. Another way to connect with our support team is to use our chat feature, which is located at the top of the page. Click on the chat button and you will be connected with a member of our support team.
7. Click on the Ask Leo button to chat with our AI chatbot Leo. Please note that Leo is still learning, therefore for important questions please reach out to our support team at
8. To change the theme, accessibility mode, or change your password, click the dropdown arrow next to your name.
Reset Password
If you have forgotten your password for Exxat Prism, you can easily reset it by following the below steps:
1. On the Exxat Prism login page ( enter your username / School email address.
2. The next screen will prompt you to enter your password.
If you've forgotten your Exxat Prism password, please click on the "Forgot Password" link.
3. After clicking on "Forgot Password" you will be prompted to enter your username/email.
4. An email will be sent to you from <> with instructions on how to create a new password. Click on "Reset your password" and follow steps to create a new password.
5. Once you have created a new password you will be redirected to the login page again.
Accessing the Old Student Dashboard:
1. To access the old student dashboard, deactivate the 'New Dashboard' bit located at the top of your dashboard.
2. The system will then switch to the old student dashboard.
3. You can also switch back to the new student dashboard by activating the 'Switch to New' bit.
For more information on how to navigate Exxat Prism using the old student dashboard, use the following link: Accessing and Navigating Exxat Prism (Old Student Dashboard)
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