Exxat Prism Training Series: Part 9/15 - Placement and Placement Assist
Exxat Prism Training Series: In Part 9, We will delve into the capabilities of the Placement Assist feature, which allows users to leverage our algorithm for efficient student placement. We'll guide you through the step-by-step process of placing students, publishing their placements for student access, and ensuring timely notifications to all pertinent stakeholders.
Speakers: Ramya Murali and Ayaz Memon
Link to presentation: https://exxatsystems.sharepoint.com/:p:/s/ExxatTrainingResources/Ef1Yt1r6lXhPnZoItE0P0IMBjSmAbdd_J8i4aOVppVH5UA?e=LV0LU6
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