If you are working with a program who uses Exxat and also utilizes the PT-PTA MACS you will be asked to complete the form.
- Once the student completes the PTMACS, you will receive an email from notifications@exxat.com which will include a link for you to access the form.
- We suggest that you please try to use any of the following internet browsers for the best experience: Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox.
- Please note that you may experience performance issues (difficulty saving information, submitting, etc.) when using Internet Explorer.
- Once you click on the link, a new tab will open and you will find the form that has been submitted by the student.
- On the form, you will see a menu to the left showing all of the sections you will complete.
- To the right, you will see the actual form. Questions with a red asterisk are mandatory.
- For each question, you will see the student’s rating and comment, and a place to add in your own rating and comment.
- Please note, that the system will not process any comments that are added once you pass the 10000-character limit.
- Please note, that the system will not process any comments that are added once you pass the 10000-character limit.
- Towards the end of the form, you can add any overall comments.
- You can also rate the student - “Evaluation of Student Performance” on a scale of 1 to 10.
- Once all the questions are answered, click on Submit. A pop-up will appear asking you to confirm. Click OK to confirm.
- Your form is submitted!
- For the Final, you will receive an email again from the student to fill out the form.
- Click on the link to provide the Final Rating for each question.
- Toward the end of the form, you can add and the Final Overall Rating and comments
- Once all the questions are answered, click on Submit. Just so you know – a pop-up will appear asking you to confirm. Click OK to confirm.
- Your form is submitted!
- You can always click on the link and click on view submitted responses to get the read-only view of the filled responses. You can also click on the download button to download the copy of the form.
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