Exxat Prism: May Release Items
Join us for an overview of everything new to Exxat Prism in May. Learn about all of the new features and updates by joining us for the webinar. You can also check out your "Megaphone" icon at the top right of your system to see a detailed overview of what's new in Exxat Prism.
Can't attend? Feel free to register anyway! You will receive the presentation materials before the webinar, and the webinar recording is 1 hour after the webinar ends.
All attendees will also receive the webinar recording 2 hours after the webinar ends and you can also catch up on the webinar recording on our YouTube channel.
Speakers: Kanthi Supriya
Presentation: https://exxatsystems.sharepoint.com/:p:/s/ExxatTrainingResources/EYlZDgL5dkxOlwumMJEyUJwBsk2epNiSUwLYLQfC9igQ5w?e=qgfjmk
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