Your school will require you to complete the PTAMAC in Exxat. Here is how you will access and complete them!
To navigate to the Coursework Section:
a. Click on the Coursework Section from your Old Student Dashboard.
b. Click on the Left Hand Hamburger Menu and select the Coursework Option.
c. If you are using the New Student Dashboard. Click on the View All Coursework Option under My Coursework section.
- Select the placement for which you would like to complete the PTMACS by clicking View Details.
- Scroll down to the Forms/Evaluations section. The system will load any forms or evaluations your program has requested you to complete. Click on the name of the evaluation (PTAMACS) to get started.
- Be mindful of due dates.
- Be mindful of due dates.
- The PTAMACS form is lengthy and also includes several sections. Once completed please click on Submit. This will send the form to the clinical instructor who will now review the form.
- The PTAMACS form is a lengthy form and also includes several sections. Once completed please click on Submit. This will send the form to the clinical instructor who will now review the form.
- Before submitting the form, please ensure you select the name of the clinical instructor who will complete the PTAMACS.
- Once the midterm form is submitted the status of the form will change from “In Progress” to “Midterm – Pending CI Review”.
- Once CI completes the form, You can then review the form and submit it to the school.
- Click on the Review button once the form is reviewed
- Once you review the form and submit it to the school, the status of the form will change from “Midterm – Pending Student Review” to “Midterm – Pending School Review”.
- Once the Midterm form is reviewed by the school, the Final PTAMACS will become available for you to start work on. Click on the form name to start filling it for Final term.
- The PTA MACS form is lengthy and includes several sections. Once completed please click on Submit. This will send the form to the clinical instructor who will now review the form.
- While filling in the form students will be able to view the midterm ratings and comments.
- Before you submit the form, please make sure you select the name of the clinical instructor who will complete the PTAMACS.
- If you want to add skill during midterm or Final, please choose Yes to the questions (Skill 35,36,37) to add additional questions.
- By default, your rating will be set to N/A and you can change it to the specific rating.
- Once the Final term form is submitted by you, the status of the form will change from “In Progress” to “Final Term– Pending CI Review”.
- Once CI completes the form, you can then review the form by clicking on the form name and submit it to the school.
- You will now view the comments and ratings given for Final Term by the CI and click on “Review” to submit for the school review.
- At the end of the form, you can enter your signature to mark the form as reviewed.
- Once a you review the form and submit it to school, the status of the form will change from “Final Term – Pending Student Review” to “Final Term – Pending School Review”.
- Once the school reviews the form, the status will be changed to "Final Reviwed"
- Once a you review the form and submit it to school, the status of the form will change from “Final Term – Pending Student Review” to “Final Term – Pending School Review”.
- Once the school reviews the form, the status will be changed to "Final Reviwed"
- Once the school reviews the form, the status will be changed to “SECEE Get Started.”
- You can fill out the SECEE Evaluation Section and sign off at the end of it and then choose the CI and click on Submit.
- The form is now sent to the Clinical Instructor for review
- Once the Clinical instructor reviews the form, it goes to the school for review
- Once the School reviews this form, you will see the status as Reviewed
- You can always click the form and click download to download the copy of the form
- By default, your rating will be set to N/A and you can change it to the specific rating.
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