Below you’ll find answers to the most common questions you may have on all the features and functionalities for the Courses section on Exxat Prism
Q: How to add a new Course?
A: Adding Courses to Course Catalog
Q: How to offer courses to students?
A: Adding/Editing Course Offerings
Q: How to delete a rotation?
A: Placements >> Course name >> Setup >> Rotation >> click on three dots from the top right >> Delete
Q: How to add Rotation dates?
A: Adding Rotations
Q: What is the difference between Courses and Rotation?
A: Understanding Course vs. Rotation
Q: How to Register students for a course?
A: Manage Student Course Registration
Q: When a Cohort is added to a course offering, do we still need to register the students in that course offering?
A: No, when the course is offered to a cohort, all the students from the cohort will be auto-registered only if the program is set up as Lockstep. You can always edit the registration for individual students post this.
Q: What is the rationale for term and professional year for a course offering?
A: This will help you locate the rotation you are working with on the placement and LAM page. Term and professional year, along with the academic year, help you identify the unique course offering that you want to work with (e.g., the same course is offered again and again every year).
Q: What is the "Setup Advanced Schedule" feature, and how will it be helpful for the school?
A: The Setup Advanced Schedule option will allow the school to break down your bigger rotation. For example, if you have a 16-week rotation, you can break it into two 8-week rotations.
Q: What is the purpose of Collecting Supervision percentage per Preceptor, and where is the data collected?
A: Supervision percentage would be helpful when students have more than 1 CI to calculate the hours for the Thank you email. It will show up under the Emails and Publish page.
Q: Can schools add CME credits in the system for the PA program?
A: PA programs can use the CEU section to add CME credits, and they can edit the email template.
Q: Can the school clone course offerings?
A: Yes, you can clone course offerings by clicking on courses >> Select Course >> Select Clone from
Q: Would there be a way in the future to edit academic year or term without affecting the mappings?
A: As of now, schools will have to reach out to the support team.
Q: Where does the schedule/minimum duration for a rotation show up?
A: On the Site resource page under the clinical education schedule.
Q: Share with the site option under courses, when we select "yes," where will this show up?
A: On the Site Resource page.
Q: Is there a way to access the compliance documents of students that are registered for a course?
A: Users can view the compliance status (not the actual documents) for registered students from the course-student-student compliance section.
Q: How to unregister students from a course offering?
A: Student unregister option is available under course details page. Student registration section allows the user to add / remove the student from the course.
Q: How to use terms for PA programs?
A: PA schools can add a term as Clinical and select that for all the clinical courses.
Q: Why do we need courses?
A: The Exxat Prism system is designed around courses, just like in programs. All curriculum-related activities (student registrations, rotations, and learning activities) are tagged to a course offering. For PT/OT programs, each clinical rotation corresponds to a course. For PA programs, each course represents a clinical setting with multiple rotations tagged to it.
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