Below you’ll find answers to the most common questions you may have on all the features and functionalities for the Sites and Locations section on Exxat Prism
Q: Can we run a report for the contract expiration details?
A: Yes, this is possible by accessing the Site Module >> Contract Tab >> Filter option >> Applying Expiration Filter >> Generating the report in Excel using the download option.
Q: Can we track preceptor/CI/FWE License information in the system?
A: Yes, we can track this information using the Site Module >> Report Section >> Licensure Entered Report. Link
Q: Do we have a notification option available for the expired contract?
A: As per the existing functionality, this is not possible. It's in the future roadmap. However, users can access data using Site Module >> Contract Tab >> Filter option.
Q: Can we customize the Site resource page based on the site, for specific information sharing regarding placements, etc.?
A: This feature is not available as the site resource page is a common/public page for everyone. It cannot be customized for individual sites and locations.
Q: Is there a report to check the list of students placed with the preceptor?
A: This feature is not available. However, users can access a comprehensive placement report and apply filters on the Raw Data report (Excel file format).
Q: Is there a report available for placement at a specific location?
A: Yes, this is available. Users can navigate to Site Module >> Select Location >> Click on Placement tab from the left side Location menu.
Q: How do we generate CEU certificates in PRISM? (from all PT/OT migration clients)
A: This is not possible. However, CEU credits and clinical hours can be shared with Evaluators from the Notify Preceptor Option. (Placement Module >> Email And Publish tab >> Notify Preceptor option)
Q: Do you have a raw data report for the site assessment form?
A: Yes, we do have this report. We can download the site assessment report, which provides information on the assessment. However, the raw data pertaining to this report is in the pipeline and will be available in the near future. Site Module >> Report Section >> Location Assessment Status & Assessment Details Report.
Q: Can we move a location from one site to another site?
A: Yes, this is possible. Users can navigate to the Site Module >> Click on location >> Click on Move location option. (This allows users to move the location & location-specific data from one parent site to another) **Please read the instructions while moving location.
Q: Is it possible to merge two sites?
A: Yes, this is possible by following the below steps. Users need to move all the locations to the new site. If required, link contracts and inactivate the old site.
Q: How can preceptor/CI/FWE update their profile?
A: As of now, this is not available. Currently, program administrators can upload the personnel profile from their end. Evaluators/Site contacts will be able to manage their profile using the Exxat Rubix platform in the future.
Q: How to set up email notification for site announcements?
A: For site communication, instead of setting up the template in Site Announcement, users can make use of the Site Module >> Email tab. School users can send emails to clinicians using Site Module >> Email tab >> Add Communication option. The system allows selecting the site recipients while composing emails.
Q: How to add a location and personnel?
A: This is possible. Please refer to the help center.
Q: What details are shared across programs at the site level?
A: Please refer to the below document. Link
Q: What information/details does a location inherit from a site?
A: Settings, Requirements, Student Requirement upload, Categories, Notes, Documents.
Q: Can we unlink contracts from?
A: "Yes, we can unlink the contract on the site level. Follow the path - Site Page >> Contracts Tab >> Click on contract name in the left-hand menu >> Click on Unlink Contract on the right side of your screen."
Q: How to map/link contracts to locations?
A: We can map the contract with locations by following this path - Site Page >> Contracts Tab >> Click on contract name in the left-hand menu >> Click on Locations Covered (Pencil Icon).
Q: How to associate a staff with a location/site?
A: To associate staff/personnel with a site, follow this path - Select site name >> Personnel Tab >> Click on Add Person >> After adding all details >> Click Save >> Will get an alert to check if the personnel added has to be associated with all locations under the site.
Q: How to associate a person with multiple locations?
A: To associate a person with multiple locations, follow this path - Select site name >> Personnel Tab >> click on Personnel name >> Click Association from the left-hand menu >> Click on "+" icon next to Associated Locations.
Q: How to merge existing locations in the system to new parent sites (this is when another company acquires a site)?
A: To merge locations to a new site, follow this path - From the main dashboard click on Sites >> Select location name that needs to be moved >> Click on "Move Location" button on the right of the screen >> from the new drawer >> Select new site >> Click on "Next" >> New drawer will show what information will be moved >> Review changes >> Click on "Move Location".
Q: Can we set up Communication follow-up reminders?
A: Communication follow-up dates can be entered, but currently, the feature for "Reminders" is not available.
Q: Where to see the published SEFWE and AOTA data form?
A: The Published SEFWE and AOTA data forms would be under the location evaluations for each location. However, please check and reach out to the support team to enable the publish option for the SEFWE and AOTA data form.
Q: Where to see the published PTSE?
A: The Published PTSE forms would be under the location evaluations for each individual location. and the students can view the form on their wishlist and explore locations location information page.
Q: How to manage Multiple Site assessments?
A: Location assessments are to be completed at each location as this will be for a specific location. However, if you are assessing all the locations for a site (Parent company), schools can use the site assessment section.
Q: If there are multiple campuses for the program, how does the site distance be calculated?
A: As of now, there is only the option to add the address for one campus under Program details; this calculates the distance from the campus to the locations
Q: Is the Location Area filter available only on the Location Level?
A: Yes, the Location Area filter is available only on the Location Level. It can be selected from the dropdown while adding locations. To add more options to the dropdown, go to Sites >> Set-up >> Site Organization >> Location Area.
Q: Can the Site Category be filtered on the slot request send email page?
A: Site Category filter is currently not available in the "Slot Request" Email. Location categories can be used, and if required, the site tags can be used as filter options.
Q: How is Inarea and Outarea calculated?
A: This varies from school to school, and schools have to manually select the location area for each location.
Q: Is the student profile shared with the site updated in real-time, or will sites only be able to access the initially shared old data or the updated data by the student?
A: The sites will be able to access the updated data once the page is refreshed.
Q: Is there a charge for contract sharing in V4 if it's not set up as contract sharing in V3?
A: Yes, there is a nominal fee charged in V4 if the Contract Sharing System (CCS) is not set up in V3 already.
Q: Can the profile be configured to select what is shared and what is not shared with the site?
A: The Site Resource page only shows some details from the Faculty/Staff profile - Full Name, Administrative position, Contact email/Phone & any Notes entered on the contact sharing drawer.
Q: Is there a Communication log report available?
A: Currently, this report is not available.
Q: How do I add a preceptor/CI/FWE to a site?
A: To add a preceptor/CI/FWE to a site, please follow the steps from this link Adding Personnel via Sites Tab.
Q: What is the National Provider Identifier for on Personnel?
A: A National Provider Identifier (NPI) is a 10-digit number that uniquely identifies health care providers in the United States. It is a unique identification number for covered health care providers. All health care providers who are HIPAA-covered entities, whether individuals or organizations, must obtain an NPI.
Q: How do I add settings to my sites?
A: To add settings, go to Sites from the left menu or dashboard >> Click on the ‘Sites’ tab >> Click on the site name >> Under ‘About’ tab, click on the + icon in the ‘Settings’ section >> Select the appropriate settings from the list here >> Save.
Q: How do I add personnel/preceptors?
A: To add personnel, go to Sites from the left menu or dashboard >> Click on the ‘Personnel’ tab >> Click on +Add Personnel >> In Step 1 add all the necessary Profile Details >> In Step 2 select the appropriate Communication Preferences >> In Step 3, select the primary site and the locations that need to be associated with the personnel >> In Step 4, review all the information and Save.
Q: How do make the current/selected/existing site as a location?
A: To add a location under an existing site, please follow these steps:
1. Select Sites from your left-menu or dashboard.
2. Find and select the site you’d like to manage.
3. Click on the Locations tab at the top of the page.
4. Click on +Add Location.
5. A drawer will open for you to enter all the location’s details. Make sure to include:
- Location name
- Full address (required)
- Optional contact information (office , fax, website)
- Additional information (e.g., rural location, underserved populations)
6. Once you’ve entered all the information, click Save.
Your location will now be added to the system!
Q: How to add a site as a location?
A: Go to Sites
Select the Site tab
Click on Add site
Check off the box titled "Do you want to add this site as a location ?"
Add additional details
Hit Save
Q: How to change a site to a location?
A: Site cannot be changed to a location; however a location can be added under a site with the same information. By this way, you can use the existing site as a standalone location.
Q: How can I pull a report to audit preceptor license?
A: You can pull the report using the Site Module >> Report Section >> Comprehensive Personnel Report.
Q: How to associate existing locations to a site?
A: To associate and move existing locations to another site, users can navigate to the Site Module >> Click on location >> Click on Move location option. (This allows users to move the location & location-specific data from one parent site to another) **Please read the instructions while moving location.
Q: How do I map a contract from a site to a location; I mean how do I link to a site so that the contract mapping is accurately reflected on the location side?
A: To map the contract with locations please follow this path: Site Page >> Contracts Tab >> Click on contract name in the left-hand menu >> Click on Locations Covered (Pencil Icon).
Q: How to make a site Inactive?
How do you change a site status?
A: To mark a site inactive or change the status, follow the steps:
- Click Sites from dashboard.
- Click on the site name from the Sites tab from the ribbon.
- Click on the pencil icon in the Basic Information box under About tab.
- Select the ‘No’ radio button for Active option to mark the site inactive.
Q: How do sites verify information?
A: Sites can verify only that information which you have shared with them via email and the delegator link.
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