Once you have created your master list of courses and added the course offerings you will be able to create a curriculum sequence. The sequence lays out the courses in the order of them being offered by terms, professional year, and academic year. Courses will allow you to view course details and objectives.
- From the dashboard, select curriculum mapping
- On the left hand side, you will see text of “Add Curriculum”. Click +Add Curriculum
- A drawer will open with four steps:
- Details
- Course offering
- Mapping setup
- Curriculum grid
- Details: you will enter basic information on this first step. Click Next when done
- Curriculum name: name for your curriculum sequence for your cohort
- Description: any related information for this curriculum
- Assign Cohort: This is a drop down with all cohorts that only appears for lockstep programs. You can pick the correct cohort for the new curriculum you are adding.
- Course Offering: on this step you will select the courses you would like to include in your curriculum
- Use any of the fields on the left panel to search for courses.
- Click Add/Search record once you have selected specific criteria
- A list of courses will appear on the right-hand side of the page, select them with the open checkbox
- Click Previous to go back to step 1 (Details)
- Click Next when done
- Mapping Setup: this is a very crucial step! You’ll see different cards to configure your system
- Select Course Measures
- Select Standards for Mapping
- Select Attributes for Courses
- Select Course Measures: First activate the course measures for your curriculum grid and associate attributes to it, if any. This list of course measures is setup within Courses > Setup > Course Measures. By default all the measures setup on program page will show up within all the curriculum grid and its respective courses, however, here you just activate the ones that may need attributes association and need to show up on mapping screen
- Click on the + icon next to “Select course measures”
- A drawer will open with the following options:
- Use the toggle button to activate or deactivate a course measure. Only active course measures will appear on the mapping pag
- From the dropdown you will see a list of attributes which you can select associate with the course measures. This is optional and multi-select
- Once done, click Save
- Please note, you can deactivate any active measure category, but the data associated with it will also get deleted
- Unchecking attributes will delete related data
- If you have already added course measures, you can use the “Add/Edit Course Measures” link to make changes or activate new course measures.
- Select Standards for Mapping: Next, you will select standards for mapping. You will activate specific standards you would like to map with and associate attributes if needed. Click on the + icon.
- A drawer will open with the following options:
- Mapping from: select the course measure or course you would like to map from. It will show you all items selected in step 1.
- Mapping to: select standards you would like to map to. It will show you all standards activated for your cohort/curriculum grid.
- Attributes: list of mapping attributes you can associate an attribute at the mapping level.
- To delete any entries, click on the trash bin, and click Save.
- When editing or deleting, a validation message will appear asking for your confirmation to proceed with the changes you’ve requested.
- Once you have selected all three options, click Add.
- Once you have completed the mapping chain for your curriculum, click Save.
- If you have already added course measures, you can use the “Add/Edit Course Measures” link to make changes or activate new course measures
- Select Attributes for Courses: you will then select and associate attributes to the courses you have selected. Click on the + icon
- A drawer will appear showing you a list of all courses and course measures attributes. Select all attributes that you would like to associate at the course level and click Save.
- If you have added attributes already and would like to make changes, click “Add/Edit Attributes for Courses”. Update the information and click Save.
- Curriculum Grid: here you will preview the curriculum grid. Make sure everything looks correct before moving forward
- Click on Save once reviewed
- The curriculum grid is now added and you will see it on the page where you can click on it and view your courses.
- A drawer will appear showing you a list of all courses and course measures attributes. Select all attributes that you would like to associate at the course level and click Save.
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