You can map your course and course measures like learning outcomes, course objectives, instructional objectives, lecture objectives, etc. to multiple standards by using the mapping screen. Once you have mapped the courses and course measures, you will be able to generate reports to review your curriculum and make enhancements.
Adding Mappings:
Click on Curriculum Mapping from the Dashboard.
On this page, you will find the list of all your courses and different curriculum grids. You can go to the mapping page by:
Hovering over any course and a mapping symbol appears which takes you to mapping screen.
Clicking on the course you want to work on mapping for and on the top right hand side, you will find the “Go to mapping” button.
Hovering over any course and a mapping symbol appears which takes you to mapping screen.
Map Course Measures:
Upon selecting the course, you will find the options on left hand side under the course name to map an entire course and list of all objectives. Both the course level and course measure level will show up on the same page depending on the way you have configured the system. Any standards that have been activated to map with entire course will show up when you click on “map entire course” and any standards that have been activated for the course measure level will show up on each objective category that you select.
Select the objective you want to map your standard with. On the right hand side you will find the “+” icon for the standard activated for that measure category. The objective appears in red representing that it is not yet mapped and as soon as we map it, the objective will turn to green, and the number of mappings will show up in parenthesis next to the objective.
Click on the “+” icon and select the standards you want to map with. It is a multi-select option so you can select multiple standard sections at the same time. Use the “>” caret symbol to expand the parent standard and view its sub sections.
When you select the standards from the drawer on right hand side you will find the “add/edit details” button for every standard you are selecting. This is where you will be able to assign an attribute at the mapping level if any were activated.
When you click on “Add/Edit details” for every standard that has been selected, you will find the following options on the right hand drawer. It shows you the drop down of attributes that have been activated at the mapping level. If there are none activated you wont see any attributes. You can also tag a mapping at this stage if required.
- Tags : You can add any tag to this mapping for example : In progress, Reviewed, Need Review or Need attention. Tags work as sticky notes for you and your team to be able to generate a report based on what has been tagged. If a faculty has tagged their mappings as “needs reviewed” then the person overseeing the mappings can generate a report and check which mappings needs to be reviewed and then tag them as “reviewed”.
To add a tag:
- Click on “+” icon next to tags. It will show blank as shown in screenshot below:
Click on “+ Add” icon. Add name of the tag in the text area. In the example below we have added “Needs Review”. You can also choose a color for it by clicking on the paint icon next to the name and click add once done.
- Once you add your list of tags, you can apply them to your mappings.
- As soon as you apply the tags to the mappings, you will find the tag appearing for that mapping on the screen as shown below:
- Click on “+” icon next to tags. It will show blank as shown in screenshot below:
- Click save once you have mapped the objective and completed adding attributes/tag or notes to it.
- Continue mapping the rest of the objectives in a similar manner.
Map Entire Course:
Upon selecting the course, you will find the options on left hand side under the course name to map an entire course and list of all objectives. Both the course level and course measure level will show up on the same page depending on the way you have configured the system. Any standards that have been activated to map with entire course will show up when you click on “map entire course” and any standards that have been activated for the course measure level will show up on each objective category that you select.
Click on “map entire course” to map the standard with entire course. On the right hand side you will find the standards that have been activated at the entire course level.
Click on “+” icon and select the standards you want to map with. It is multi select option so you will be able to select multiple standard sections at the same time. Use the “>” caret symbol in order to expand the parent standard and view the sub sections.
- You will find the “add/edit details” button for every standard you are mapping and then you can add attributes/tags or notes at this stage of mapping.
- Click save once done and continue mapping all courses in similar manner.
Editing and Deleting Mappings:
In order to delete mappings from “MAP ENTIRE COURSE”, follow the steps mentioned below :
Open the course from “Curriculum Mapping” page and click on “Go to mapping” and then “map entire course”.
- On the right hand side, you will find the list of standards mapped to entire course which can be expanded to review it. Next to each mapped standard you will find “Pencil icon” and “Trash icon” as shown below:
- Click on “pencil icon” in order to add any tags, attributes or notes for that standard. Click “save” once edited the standard mapped.
- Click on “trash icon” to delete the mapping from that course.
Open the course from “Curriculum Mapping” page and click on “Go to mapping” and then “map entire course”.
In order to delete mappings from “Measure” level then follow the steps mentioned below :
- Open the course from “Curriculum Mapping” page and click on “Go to mapping” and “measure” to expand it and select the measure from which you want to delete the mappings.
- On the right hand side, you will find the list of standards mapped to that particular selected measure which can be expanded to review it. Next to each mapped standard you will find “Pencil icon” and “Trash icon” as shown below:
- Click on “pencil icon” in order to add any tags, attributes or notes for that standard. Click “save” once edited the standard mapped.
- Click on “trash icon” to delete the mapping from that course.
Important Note:-
Some of the examples of course measures can be Learning Outcomes, Course Objectives, Instructional Objectives, Lecture Objectives etc.
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