You are able to collect detailed information about each of your courses. This information will easily be accessible on the curriculum grid page. You can manage the following information for any given course:
- Course Details
- Pre-requisites & co-requisites
- Textbooks and other resources
- Evaluation criteria
- Course policies
- Grading Scale
Course Details:
Select Curriculum Mapping on your left-menu.
Select Curriculum Grid from the left ribbon.
On this grid select the course you’d like to work with.
You’ll be redirected to the About section for the course you have selected.
- You can update the course details by clicking on the pencil icon.
- Generate syllabus: this will download your syllabus in a standardized template (word file) with all the details you’ve entered within the system. To learn more, view our help resource here.
- Go to Mapping: You can access the mapping page for this course by clicking on this button.
- Attributes: assign attributes to this specific course. To learn more, view our help resource here.
Faculty & staff: associate faculty and staff.
Click on the pencil icon within the Course Details card to update the following information. A drawer will open, click Save when done.
- Description
- Course credits: this only allows numerical values and has a character limit of 5 digits. This is also a mandatory field.
- Duration
- Hours
- Nature of course: a list of options is available for you to choose from.
- Type of course : Whether its a core or an elective course.
- Departments offering the courses: if multiple departments offer this course, you can add them in this section.
- Fields of study
- Clock hours
- Grading type: select from a letter grade or pass/Fail
Share with site: decide whether your course information will be shared with clinical partners.
Pre-requisites & co-requisites
- To manage any pre-requisites or co-requisite information, click on the carrot icon to open the section.
Click on the pencil icon to open either section.
- A drawer will open, and you’ll be able to select from all the courses added to your system for the current cycle you are working on. You can also add any related notes.
Click Save when done.
Textbooks and other resources
In this section, you can add required and recommended textbooks, and any other materials needed for this course. Click on the pencil icon to edit either section.
A drawer will open, and you’ll type in details of the required or recommended materials. Click Save when done.
Evaluation criteria
- You can add assessments utilized for the specific course here, along with the weightage information. Click on the + icon to add details.
Once you have added information, you will click on a pencil icon to make further changes.
- A drawer will open. Enter in the name of the assessment, weightage (% or a score, e.g., 120 points). Click Add once done.
If you’d like to add any samples or related documents, drag and drop your file within the Browse to upload section.
- You can then add additional assessments. Click Save once done.
- To delete existing assessments, click the red trash bin.
Course policies
If there are any policies for a course, click on the + icon to add those details.
Once you have added policies, to edit them you’ll click on a pencil icon.
When adding or editing policies, a drawer will open. You can add a policy name, provide a description and add any related documentation. Click Save when done.
- To delete an existing policy, click on the pencil icon and once the drawer opens, click on the vertical ellipsis, and select Delete.
Grading Scale
- The grading scale card is generated from the Program details page. The information is added at the program level for grading is what will show up here.
- If you need to modify this information, go to Program Details > General > Grading Scale.
In this section, you can add required and recommended textbooks, and any other materials needed for this course. Click on the pencil icon to edit either section.
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