This comprehensive guide outlines a step-by-step process for administrators and educators to effectively utilize slot management tools. Learn how to navigate placement menus, publish slots to gather student preferences, view student interest, notify placement sites, and manage responses. From sending targeted notifications to viewing site responses, this article provides detailed instructions and tips to streamline the placement process and optimize student and site engagement.
- Publishing Slots to Gather Student Interest
- Viewing Student Interest
- Notifying Sites of Student Interest
- Viewing Site Responses
- Unpublishing Slots
- Sending Slot Notifications to Sites
- Sending Slot Notifications to Students
Publishing Slots and Managing Student Interest
- Publish slots to gather student interest
- Viewing student interest
- Notifying sites of student interest
- Viewing site responses
- Select Placements from the left menu or dashboard.
- Select the course you’d like to manage.
- If you’d like to manage slots for multiple courses, select your placement group from the left panel > Select Placements for Group.
- Select Slots from the top banner.
- Click List to view slots offered.
Publishing Slots to gather student interest
- Select the slots you’d like to publish using the check boxes and click Notify Student.
- The system will show you a card for each rotation and will list how many students the slot will be published to. Click Publish Slots.
- You’ll then be asked to confirm if you want to publish the slots to your students. Click Yes.
- Once you have published the slots you’ll then be asked if you want to notify your students, if yes, click Email.
- You’ll complete a three-step process to send out notifications. On the first step, review your recipient’s list. Click Next when ready.
- Override recipient’s list: test this email by sending it to yourself
- Reply to: if anyone responds to the email, the email listed will receive the responses
- CC or blind copy any users
- Attach any files as needed.
- On the second step, use the standard template or build your own. Click Preview to move on to the next step.
- Click Send.
Viewing student interest
- To view students interested in published slots, follow steps 1-5 above (Select Placements > Select desired Course [or Placement Group > Placements for Group] > Slots > List.
- Find the Published to Students Interested column. And Click on the arrow icon to sort slots based on the interested students
- If any students have expressed interest, you can hover over the # Interested Student(s) to view their names.
- Easily find published slots using the filter “Published to Students”
- Easily find published slots using the filter “Published to Students”
Notifying sites of student interest
- To send sites a notification with student details, follow steps 1-5 above (Select Placements > Select desired Course [or Placement Group > Placements for Group] > Slots > List.
- Find the Published to Students Interested column and click on the # Interested Student(s) text.
- The page will display Location information, along with who will be notified. Click on the pencil icon to view any additional recipients you can include.
- A drawer will open. Select any additional recipients and click Update.
- If additional recipients are missing, please go to the location profile and add them as personnel.
- If additional recipients are missing, please go to the location profile and add them as personnel.
- The drawer will close. Select the students you’d like to include in your notification and click Send Interest to Location.
- You’ll complete a three-step process to send out notifications.
- Your sites will be provided with a link to submit their responses which looks a bit like this.
- Sites will be able to click on the student’s name to open the student profile.
Sites can add their comments and select their responses.
Student Profile for site View:-
Email History
- Click on the Email History to view the email sent History for Slots to students or to Sites.
- You can search the email history by selecting the Rotation or by date and view the status of the email.
- Select the Recipient of the email to view the history, Student or Site.
- Click on the subject to view the email and access the link.
Viewing site responses
- To view site responses on interested students, follow steps 1-5 above (Select Placements > Select desired Course [or Placement Group > Placements for Group] > Slots > List.
- Find the Published to Students Interested column and click on the # Interested Student(s) text.
- Easily find published slots using the filter “Published to Students”
- Easily find published slots using the filter “Published to Students”
- The page will display any location responses along with comments.
Unpublish Slots
The unpublish slots option allows you to remove the slots that are published for the students.
Select Placements from the left menu or the Dashboard.
Select the course you’d like to manage.
If you’d like to manage slots for multiple courses, select the placement group from the left panel and then select Placements for Group.
Select Slots from the top banner.
Click List to view slots offered.
Select the slots you’d like to unpublish using the check boxes and click the 3 dots next to Notify Site. A popup will show up with Unpublish Slot option.
Once you click on the Unpublish Slot button you will get another popup as shown below and you can click on the confirm button to Unpublish the Published Slots. You can click on Cancel if you do not want to proceed further.
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