Placement Groups are groups of course offerings that allow you to analyze and view slot availability, create rotations, set up Wishlists, and manage placements across multiple courses at once. You can also generate reports, check clearance statuses, and send emails. The groups can be organized by various criteria, such as Course, Term, Cohort, and more. Additionally, you can edit or delete Placement Groups at any time without losing any data.
Note: You can create a maximum of 20 Placement groups.
Upto 50 course offerings can be added in a single placement group.
- Select Placements from the left-menu or from the dashboard.
- Click the + Add Group button just below course offerings.
- Give your group a name and optional description:
- Using the filters on the left, search for and find the courses you’d like to include in the group you are creating:
- Review your selections and click save:
- Once created, your placement group will appear on the left side list each time you go to the Placements section. To begin working with that group of courses, or to make edits to your group, simply click the name of the group.
- The page will display all courses associated with the group.
- Click Placements for Group to manage Rotations, slots, placements, and more.
- Click the pencil icon to make changes to your placement group.
- Click the trash bin to delete the placement group.
- Once you have added your courses and course offerings, you’ll be able to add rotations within the system! Rotations are the period during which students participate in a course or courses, and this is where students can complete specific learning activities.
- If you’d like to manage rotations for multiple courses, select your placement group from the left panel and select Placements for Group.
- Select Rotation Setup from the banner.
- Click +Add Rotation.
- A drawer will open with the following information. Click Save when done.
- Title: you can include the course name and/or number in your title to easily view information within the system.
- Course: course offerings will automatically be available for you to select from. If you’d like to share a rotation for multiple courses, make sure you select them here.
- Setup advanced schedule: you can utilize this feature if your program allows a rotation to be split into multiple start dates. Below is an example of what that might look like.
- As you scroll through the drawer, you will have additional information you can collect and share.
- Show other students placed: this will allow students to view other students placed at the same location.
- Show on Sit Resources Page: this will allow rotation information to be displayed on your Site Resources Page.
- Thank instructing clinicians with credit for hours: if you would like to send clinicians credit with a # of hours, you have two options
- Set number of hours: you can either set a number of hours (ex. 140 hours) or have the system take the % of supervision per clinician into account (ex. 140 hours, 50% of supervision, clinician would receive 70 hours).
- Use approved timesheet hours:this will take any approved hours from the Timesheet activity.
- CEU Credits: Number of CEU credits a clinician can receive for supervising a student for this rotation. This information can be included in thank you emails.
- Rotation Notes: add any notes or description for this rotation. These notes will be shared with clinical sites when sending slot requests.
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