Once your students submit a My Request form, you can begin reviewing the information they provided and finalize their placement!
- Reviewing Dashboard and All Requests
- Reviewing Student My Request Forms
- Placing Students
- Moving Requests
- Deleting a Request
Reviewing Dashboard and All Requests
- Select Process My Request from your dashboard or left menu.
- Dashboard View: This view provides a summary view of all requests. The graphical charts would give users a quick summary of the distribution of the requests across various statuses (overall and internal) and also on the progress made by the students (Not started, Saved as Draft and Submitted) Users can view the details based on Upcoming and Current rotations.
- You’ll be taken to the Dashboard, where you can view requests for upcoming and current rotations. View requests by:
- Overall Status
- By Preceptor/Faculty
- By Compliance
- By Location/Contract
- By Students
- By Course
- The dashboard is clickable, simply click on a status you’d like to review requests for.
- You’ll be redirected to the All Requests tab where the page will filter per your selection.
- The All Requests tab will show you a list view by student. You can view requests for upcoming, current, and past rotations.
- Click Download Raw Responses to download the comprehensive raw responses report in Excel format for student placement requests. This detailed report includes all the raw data from students' placement request forms, along with additional information about students, courses, rotations, wishlists, and request statuses.
- List View: The page will show you requests from all students across all courses and the most recent requests will be displayed on the top.
- The requests are categorized into two views.
- Upcoming and Current – Lists all the requests for the ongoing and future rotations.
- Past – Lists all the requests for the rotations which are completed already. Use the filter to focus on a smaller set of requests.
- Use the search box to quickly locate a specific request. Use the edit column option to rearrange the columns as per your need.
- Requests are marked as Invalid when a student is removed from the wishlist after the Wishlist has been opened.
- The requests that are converted into placement are labeled as Placed.
- The requests are categorized into two views.
- Click View on the far right hand side of the page for the request you would like to review. You can also open the request in a new tab by clicking on the icon beside the view button, this will help you keep the list view as is and work in different tabs.
- Each row will show you a status for each major component that needs to be approved before placing the student:
- Contract
- Compliance
- Preceptor
- Overall Status
Reviewing Student My Request Forms
- To begin reviewing a request, click on View, or the arrow icon if you prefer to open a new tab.
- The form will load, and each section will have an action button.
- You will view all the details added by the student. On the top, you will be able to view the
- Course offering name
- Wishlist name
- Rotation dates
- Overall status of the request
Basic Information: this section will show you rotation information, where you can review your student’s compliance documents for overall approval. Click View Compliance.
- A drawer will open showing you the overall status for each compliance item. Click on the status to review items if needed.
Location Information: your students will provide you with location information, which you then must associate with an existing location on your database. Click Search Location.
- A drawer will open. The system will automatically look for any matches. If the location is on the list, select it using the radio button and click Save.
- If the Location is not on the list, please head over to Sites from your left menu to add the Site and Location to the database.
- If the Location is not on the list, please head over to Sites from your left menu to add the Site and Location to the database.
- The drawer will close, and the location will be linked. You can then view contract information or update the location if needed.
Preceptor Information: once you have associated a location, you can associate a preceptor to this request as well.
- A drawer will open. The system will load any personnel associated with the location. If the preceptor you would like to add is listed, select them from the list. If not, click Add Preceptor.
- If adding a preceptor, a drawer will open. Fill out the form and click Save.
- The drawer will close, and preceptor details will be listed.
- Users can map the preceptor documents added by students (as a part of my request) directly to the profile preceptor while processing the requests. Earlier users just could add/link the preceptor with basic details like first name, email address, etc. but not the documents uploaded.
- There are a total 4 sections in the preceptor profile, the documents can be mapped to
1. CV
2. Licensure
3. Board Certification
4. Documents
While processing the requests, users can map the documents to one of these sections. If there are existing documents in these sections in the preceptor profile, then for CV the document gets replaced but for others, the documents just get appended to the existing list.
As a part of processing the student placement requests, while searching and mapping the preceptor, in the second step users will be able to map the documents to the preceptor profile
- Step 1:
Step 2: Link/add the preceptor first.
Step 3: Once the preceptor is linked, the next step is the document mapping section. In this section, users can view all the documents uploaded by the student and the sections to which the documents can be mapped.
Note: Default sections for each of the documents will be shown if they are selected when configuring the request forms by the Exxat team. To do this configuration for any existing forms that are live already, clients can reach out to Exxat support with the details.
Users can also modify the default sections if they wish to. -
Step 4: Once mapped, these documents will be automatically uploaded to the preceptor profile with a note.
- To the right of the form, you will have a place to update the status of each item. Make sure to click update once done!
Preceptor Actor in My Request Workflow - As part of a recent enhancement Schools can now include the preceptors as a part of the My Request workflow. The preceptor form/letter/agreement can be shared with the preceptor either
1. From the admin side (once the student has submitted the request)
2. From the student side as a part of the my request submission.When sharing from the administrator side, administrator's have the option to custom templatize their email content to the preceptor, Exxat PRISM provides the standard template. The workflow setup is flexible, the statuses can be updated to the based on the event of sharing the form to the preceptor and submissions done from the preceptor. Schools can reach out to Exxat PRISM support to configure the forms for preceptor.
- To the right of the form, you will have a place to update the status for each item. Make sure to click update once done!
- If you’d like to make comments on the form (which will be shared with students), add them in the Comments section.
- Any comments students add will also be shared with you within this section.
- Any comments students add will also be shared with you within this section.
Placing Students
- Once all items have been cleared, you can create a placement!
- Click Create Placement at the top of the page.
- A drawer will open. Make sure to assign a setting for the placement and add any other important information. Once done, click Place.
Moving Requests
- If changes happen, and the request the student initially submitted needs to be moved to another rotation, you can easily make that change!
- Please note:
- You can only move a request if the same My Request form is being used in another course.
- My Request must be enabled for the desired course/rotation.
- When viewing a request form, click on the vertical ellipsis and select Move Request.
- A drawer will open. Select the course you’d like to move it to and click Move.
Deleting a Request
- When viewing a request form, click on the vertical ellipsis and select Delete.
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