This document serves as a comprehensive guide for administrators on creating, managing, and utilizing wishlists to collect student preferences for rotations within Prism. It covers the setup process for various wishlist types and provides detailed steps for wishlist management, including reviewing student preferences, modifying wishlist settings, and generating reports.
Exxat Prism offers you 8 different kinds of wishlists that you can set for your rotations
Slot Based Wishlist: Get student’s preferences based on the available slot for site/location
Location Based Wishlist: Get student’s preferences based on the available site/location
Setting Based Wishlist: Get student’s preferences based on the settings for their placement
Location Area-Based Wishlist : Get student’s preferences based on the area locations are based in
Questionnaire Based Wishlist : Get student’s preferences based on customized questions
Address Preference-Based Wishlist: Get preferences based on the student’s preferred address
MyRequest: Get the student’s preferred site and preceptor
Rotation Preference-Bases Wishlist: Get the student’s preferred rotations
A wishlist allows you to collect student preferences on where they would like to be placed for a specific rotation. This information will be available to you when making placements in Prism.
Creating a Wishlist
This document will cover the following 5 wishlist types:
- Slot
- Location
- Setting
- Location Area
- Questionnaire
- Select Placements from your left menu.
- Select the Course to set-up a wishlist by clicking on the course name. You can use the filter option to quickly find what you are looking for.
- If you’d like to manage placements for multiple courses, select your placement group and click Placements for Group.
- Select Wishlist from the banner at the top of the page.
- The system will display all previously created Wishlist’s for the selected course list. Click on + Create wishlist to set-up a new wishlist.
- You will be taken to a new page for you to set your preferences for your wishlist. On step 1, you will provide the following:
- Wishlist name: this name will appear throughout the system. You and your students will see this wishlist name.
- View only date: the date on which students can view the wishlist, but cannot yet begin working on their preferences. You can set this before the open date to allow students to begin their research!
- Open date: The earliest date for which the students can submit their wishlist.
- Close date: The last date for which students can submit and modify their wishlist.
Set up: decide which wishlist you would like to utilize.
- Slot wishlist: students select from slots available for locations
- Location wishlist: students select from locations you have in your database
- My Request: students complete a form (that your program customizes) to request a placement at a Location
- Setting: students add and rank settings
- Location Area: students add rank different location areas (program specific)
- Questionnaire: Students can fill in a questionnaire to indicate their qualitative preferences
- On step 2, you will set your preferences on the type of information you’d like to show your students. The options you see will depend on the type of wishlist you selected on step 1.
- Step 2 for Slot based wishlist: all settings and states will be included by default, but you can choose to exclude any items if needed. Click on the pencil icon to edit either list.
- You can also choose slot based on Location tag, Location area and location categories.
- There are additional bits that you can select as part of the Slot Based Wishlist that shows up under the Additional Information section shown below.
- Choose if you’d like to show students how many slots you have available, along with the status and clinician details for each location.
- Choose if you’d like to show the status of slots that are available to the students.
- Choose if you’d like to show the rotation name to the students.
- Choose if you’d like to show the Slots Clinical Instructor name to the students.
- Decide if students should be able to upload any documents along with their Wishlist.
- Confirmed, Regular slots are included by default, but if you have any tentative, or other slot types you’d like to include, check them off with the open checkbox.
- Step 2 for Location based wishlist: all states will be included by default, but you can choose to exclude any if needed. Click on the pencil icon to edit the list.
- For locations to include, you have a few options. You can choose to include all locations, locations that have not offered slots for the given rotation, or locations that have offered slots for the given rotation. Once you make your selection, you can decide which settings to include. All settings will be included by default.
- Set a minimum number of how many entries your student must include before they can submit. You can also set a maximum and guidelines for them to follow.
Step 2 for Setting based wishlist: all settings will be included by default. You can choose to exclude any if needed. Click on the pencil icon to edit the list.
- If you’d like to add new location areas, please go to Program Details > Edit Program Clinical Settings.
- Set a minimum number of how many entries your student must include before they can submit. You can also set a maximum and guidelines for them to follow.
Step 2 for Location Area based wishlist: all location areas will be included by default. You can choose to exclude any if needed. Click on the pencil icon to edit the list.
- If you’d like to add new location areas, please go to Sites > Setup > Sites Organization > Edit Location Area
- Set a minimum number of how many entries your student must include before they can submit. You can also set a maximum and guidelines for them to follow.
Step 2 for Questionnaire-based Wishlist: You can provide instructions for the students and set up the questionnaire for them to answer.
Step 2 for My Request Wishlist: This is a special type of Wishlist. You need to work with our configuration team to customize the list of questions that need to show up on this request form. Please raise a support ticket or work with your AM to configure the My Request form.
- Once the form is configured, the form name shows up on the Select Form dropdown. Please pick the form name
- Select the rotation for which you need to activate the My Request form
- Set the Minimum number of times the student can fill this request form
- Set the maximum number of times this request form can be filled by the student
Step 3 for all the Wishlists: This will allow you to create a list of questions for your students to answer. This does not show up for the Questionnaire based Wishlist. If you’d like to add questions, select Yes.
- Type in each question and rearrange the order using the order by icon that appears on the left. Once done, click Next.
Step 4 for all the Wishlists – This step will show the list of students who are registered for the selected course. They will all be included by default. Make any necessary changes using the open checkboxes.
Step 5 for all the Wishlists: This step will allow you to set email notifications.
- Decide if you want students to be notified when the Wishlist opens, 24 hours before closure, and once it closes.
- This step will have further options if it is a My Request Type of Wishlist. You will have the ability to notify the school and the student whenever a status change happens or whenever a comment is added.
Step 6 for all the Wishlists : This step will show you a summary of all your selections. Review it carefully. If changes are needed, click Back to make modifications. If everything is good to go, click Save.
- Your Wishlist will now be saved and will appear within the Wishlist tab. To view the Wishlist from your student’s point of view, click Preview
- A drawer will open, allowing you to preview the Wishlist.
Managing Wishlists
Once your students begin completing their wishlist, you can:
- Review their preferences
- Change open and close dates for individual students
- Unsbumit wishlists
- Select Placements from your left-menu.
- Select the Course to set-up a wishlist by clicking on the course name. You can use the filter option to quickly find what you are looking for.
- If you’d like to manage placements for multiple courses, select your placement group and click Placements for Group.
- Select Wishlist from the banner at the top of the page.
- The system will display all previously created Wishlists for the selected course list. Click on the Wishlist name you’d like to manage.
- You’ll be taken to the Wishlist Management section. The page will provide you with an overview of the status of the wishlist for all students participating. Click on the Submitted icon for the desired student.
- To make any changes to your wishlist preferences, click on Setup.
- To easily review all wishlists at once, click Download Preferences.
- Click on "Download Preferences" for Downloading preferences will provide you an excel report which looks a bit like this:
- The student’s wishlist will load and you’ll see their selections along with wishlist information. If you make any changes, click Update once done.
- Change the view, open, and close dates for any individual students
- Change the status for any student if needed. This will come in handy if students need their wishlist to be unsubmitted.
- You can also exclude any preferences from a placement. Please note this only applies to programs utilizing the Placement Assist feature in combination with a slot based wishlist.
- You can also directly place students using the "Place" button selected near the placemenet
- Click on Place button the placement details drawer will open up
- Select all the necessary details for placement
- You can choose to place the student directly by selecting "Place"
- You can use the "Place and publish now" button as well
- Click on Place button the placement details drawer will open up
- You an also select the checkbox "Exclude from placement" to opt out of the placement from that particularly ranked option
Editing a wishlist
- Select Placements from your left menu.
- Select the Course to set-up a wishlist by clicking on the course name. You can use the filter option to quickly find what you are looking for.
- If you’d like to manage placements for multiple courses, select your placement group and click Placements for Group.
- Select Wishlist from the banner at the top of the page.
- The system will display all previously created Wishlist’s for the selected course list and select the Wishlist name click on the setup tab and make the necessary edits.
Deleting a wishlist
In case your wishlist is created by mistake or if you would like to delete the wishlist you are no longer planning to use the system will allow you to delete it.
Select Placements from your left menu.
Select the Course to delete a Wishlist by clicking on the course name. You can use the filter option to quickly find the course that you are looking for.
Choose the Wishlist tab from the banner that appears on the top of the page.
The system will display all previously created Wishlists for the selected course list. Click red trash button to delete already created wishlist.
Popup will show up, if you are sure you can go ahead and click confirm.
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