Exxat Prism enables efficient communication with site locations, whether for general information, location updates, or slot requests. This guide details the steps to send emails, manage recipients, and review responses.
Sending Email to Sites
Whether you are sending a general communication, a request for updated location information, or a slot request, the process of selecting the Locations you will contact and drafting your communication is the same!
- Select Sites from your left-menu or dashboard.
- Select Emails from the ribbon.
- Select Send Emails for your desired communication.
- The system will show you all locations that have at least 1 personnel set to receive slot request emails.
- If you prefer to filter the recipient's list by location, select the "Location" view
- If you prefer to filter the recipient's list by personnel, select the "personnel" view
The system will also show the filter options as listed below:-
- Location Area – will filter the location, that are in the select location area as assigned by the school and to select the locations with No area assigned.
- Site status and location status – Will filter Sites/Locations that are Active or Inactive as per the filler selected.
- Site Tag and location tag – Will filter Sites/ locations based on tags that are assigned by the school or filter the site/locations with No tags, assigned.
- Location setting – Will filter locations based on settings that are selected by the school or filter the locations with No settings, assigned.
- Location category – Will filter locations based on category that are assigned by the school or filter the locations with No category, assigned.
- Request Response – Will filter the locations with the response that they have provided for the slot request like, Filter locations that have no responded, Contact later, No slots to offer and NA.
- The system will also show you all inactive Sites and Locations. If you would like to remove these from your mailing, click the filter icon and set the Site and Location Status to Active.
To include locations in your mailing, simply click the open checkbox on the left. You can easily select all records by selecting the checkbox at the top. This will provide you an option to select all the records on all the pages by clicking on the Select all location.
If you would like deselect all the Selection use the Clear All option.
- Recipients who are associated with multiple locations that are all under 1 site, will receive 1 email.
- Recipients who are associated with locations that belong to different Sites, will receive multiple emails.
- If you notice a recipient is missing from your list, or would like to remove a recipient, click View List of Personnel – this will take you to the Personnel – Location Details report where you can easily update mailing preferences for personnel.
- Once you’re done selecting items on the first page, click the arrow at the bottom of the page to go to the next page.
- As you select locations to include in your mailing, it is strongly recommended for you to Save Changes every 5-10 pages. While the system automatically saves your selections, this prevents any delays as the system tries to save large amounts of data.
- Once you’re done selecting your Locations, click Save & Next.
- The system will show you a total count of who you are sending your mailing to, along with any Add-On Activities you have selected when creating your communication. Click Compose Email.
- A drawer will open with 3 steps. On step 1, you can:
- Override Recipient’s Email: this is great to test the email that will be sent. The email will be sent to the email address entered instead of the original recipient.
- Reply to: any replies to the communication will be sent to this email address.
- CC/BCC: include any additional recipients as needed.
Upload files: Attach files if necessary
- On Step 2, you will select the email template you would like to send. You can use the standard template available or create your own using the + Add Template option. Click Preview once ready.
- On step 3, review your email. If everything looks good, you will now decide when to send your email.
- Send email now: send your emails instantly
Send email at specific date and time: schedule your emails to be sent on a specific date and time. You will select your date and time using a calendar.
Reviewing the Email Dashboard
- Select Sites from your left-menu or dashboard.
- Select Emails from the ribbon.
- Select the Email Dashboard icon for your desired communication.
- The page will display a tally at the top, and a grid showing you any scheduled or sent emails for recipients you have selected.
- If you would like to cancel a scheduled email, select the recipient using the open checkbox and click the X icon.
- If you’d like to view the email that was sent, click on the Subject text.
- A drawer will open showing you the content of the email sent.
- If you requested slot availability or updated location information and would like to access the page a specific contact received, click the View text within the Request Link column.
- This will open a new tab and show you the slot request/updated location information page.
- If you’d like to resend an email, click Resend for any specific recipient.
- A drawer will open where you can set your preferences and resend your email.
Reviewing the Response Report
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