This article details the processes for adding, managing, and organizing sites and their associated locations, slots, placements, and student requirements within Prism. It includes instructions for handling site-related tasks, such as adding new sites, managing slot availability, viewing placements, and uploading required documentation.
Managing Site and Location Assessments
- Managing Site and Locations Communications
- Managing Site and Locations Intervention
Adding and Managing Sites
Within Prism, a Site is a single entity with a contract to accept students; it may have one or more physical locations. Before adding locations, you will need to add the site.
Jump to a section:
Adding Sites
Below are all the steps you need to follow to add a new site or a clinical site
- Select Sites from your left menu.
- Click on +Add Site.
- A drawer will open where you will provide the Site details. Please note a Site name and address are mandatory.
- Add in address details, and any general contact information. Click Save when done.
- Your site will now be added in your system!
- On the About tab, you will be able to provide additional Site Information.
- The Basic Information section will house the information you initially entered when creating the Site.
- If additional Programs utilize Prism and you share Sites, you can add them to the list to share information. This is mainly used by Contract department and might not be applicable to all School/University if they not sharing data across programs. In such cases, this edit option is disabled.
- List out any Requirements this Site asks of students.
- Information added here will automatically apply for all locations associated with this Site.
- This will be shared with Students once they are placed at any location associated with this Site.
- If Sites required any documentation to be provided by your students prior to starting a placement, add them to the Student Requirement Upload (Shared via Profile Link)
- Details added or updated here will apply to all associated locations of this site.
- This will be shared with Students once they are placed at any location associated with this Site.
New requirements added or changes made to the existing requirements will not be visible to students who have begun or already completed a placement at this site.
- Once the requirements are completed by students, School can choose to share the Location requirement link with Sites to review documents uploaded by students. However, make sure to use new merge field added in the list while creating a new placement notification email template - @StudentProfileWithComplianceAndLocationRequirementsLink
- Following email distribution from the school, the site/clinical partner will receive a unique delegator link that they must click in order to view the documents.
- List out common Settings this site offers slot availability for.
- Information added here will automatically apply for all locations associated with this Site.
- Information added here will automatically apply for all locations associated with this Site.
- Have program curated Categories? Add them to Sites here.
- Information added here will automatically apply for all locations associated with this Site.
- Information added here will automatically apply for all locations associated with this Site.
- Add any general Documents with the option to share details with students.
- Information added here will automatically apply for all locations associated with this Site.
- This will be shared with Students once they are placed at any location associated with this Site.
- Add in general Notes on important information you’d like to keep on file, with the option to share details with students.
- Notes shared with students will be displayed on the Explore Clinical Locations section.
- Notes shared with students will be displayed on the Explore Clinical Locations section.
Who Can Update Program Information under Site?
- To update the Programs section under Sites and Locations, a user must have access to the Sites module.
- If a user has Program Admin access but does not have access to the Sites module, they cannot update the program information.
- If your setup involves site sharing, the site must be shared with the program for the user to edit the site information.
- Without site-sharing permissions, the program information within that site remains read-only for the user.
- Users without the required access or sharing permissions will see a restricted view of the Programs section, where editing options are disabled.
For further assistance, please contact your program administrator or review the Site Sharing Setup guidelines.
Deleting Site
In case you are no longer working with the site, you always have the option to delete the site. You can only delete the site if it does have any slots or placements associated with it. You can delete the site by following the below steps:
1. Go to Site
2. Locate the Delete Site button in the right-hand corner
3. You will see the confirmation message as below, enter the number displayed and click on "Delete"
4. If there are any slots and placements added for this site, you will not be able to delete the site. You may contact our support team at
Marking a Site Inactive
In case you are no longer working with the site, and you have past data associated with this site that you wish to preserve, you always have the option to mark the site as inactive instead of deleting it.
- Select Sites from your left menu.
- Select the site for which you want to modify the status.
- After clicking on the site name, you should then select the pencil icon to modify the site's status
- When you click on the pencil icon for a site, a drawer will appear where you can find the option to designate the site as active or inactive under "Edit Site Information.".
- When you mark a site as inactive, you need to click on the "Save" button to ensure that the changes are reflected in the system.
- After saving the changes, a popup will appear allowing you to apply the site status change across all locations for all programs, or you can adjust the status of individual location(s) from the location's page.
- Once the site status is switched to inactive, the school will notice a caption displayed next to the site name as "-inactive".
Adding Slots by Site and Location
Viewing Placements by Site and Location
There may be times when you’d like to review placements in the system by Site or Location.
Viewing placements by Location will be limited to that Location only.
Both pathways will show you the same information:
Viewing Placements by Site
- Select Sites from the left menu or dashboard.
- Find and select your desired Site.
- Click on the Placements tab from the ribbon at the top of the page.
- The page will load all placements for all locations associated with the Site.
- Please note this report is updated every 24 hours.
- You can export this information if needed.
- Modify the columns you see and the order they appear in using the wrench icon.
- Filter the list by rotation, cohort, and other fields available.
Viewing Placements by Location
- Select Sites from the left menu or dashboard.
- Select Locations from the ribbon at the top of the page.
- Find and select your desired Location.
- Click on the Placements tab from the left panel.
- The page will load all placements for the Location you selected.
- Please note this report is updated every 24 hours.
- You can export this information if needed.
- Modify the columns you see and the order they appear in using the wrench icon.
- Filter the list by rotation, cohort, and other fields available.
Managing Site/location Requirement Uploads
If so, you’ll want to make sure you have the documentation available for students to work on and share with the site.
Here is the general workflow:
Uploading documents for Sites or location that require additional documentation
If a Site or location requires additional documentation, you have two pathways to choose from:
Add documents to the Site
- If the Site has multiple locations, and they all require the same additional documentation, adding it at the Site will add it to all locations. You simply have to add it once!
Add documents to a Location
- If the documentation required only applies to one location, it is recommended you add it to that single location.
You also have the ability to update and track the status of each site and the location requirements of each student.
Adding documents for a Site
- Select Sites from your left-menu or dashboard.
- Find and select the Site you’d like to manage.
- Once on the Site profile, within the About tab, scroll down to the Student Requirement Upload (Shared Via Profile Link) section and click on the + icon.
- A drawer will open. Provide the document’s name, a description, and template. Click Save once done.
- These documents will automatically be enabled for students and included in the student’s profile link for sites to view.
- Please note, if you are making changes or adding new requirements, students who have already started a placement or completed a placement will not view these changes or updates.
- The document will then be added to all associated locations.
- Please note, that any edits to the document you have added, must be done at the Site level.
- If changes occur, and the document no longer applies to a location, you can easily remove it for single locations.
- To remove a site document from a location, click on Locations from the ribbon at the top of the page.
- Select the Location you would like to remove the document for.
- On the About tab, scroll down to the Student Requirement Upload (Shared Via Profile Link) and turn off the option “Enable for this location”.
- Please note, this will remove all student required upload files added at Site level. Make sure this is what you want!
- Please note, this will remove all student required upload files added at Site level. Make sure this is what you want!
Adding documents for a Location
- Select Sites from your left-menu or dashboard.
- Select Locations from the ribbon at the top of the page.
- Find and select the Location you’d like to manage.
- On the About tab, scroll down to the Student Requirement Upload (Shared Via Profile Link) and click on the + icon.
- A drawer will open. Provide the document’s name, a description, and template. Click Save once done.
- These documents will automatically be enabled for students and included in the student’s profile link for sites to view.
- Please note, if you are making changes or adding new requirements, students who have already started a placement or completed a placement will not view these changes or updates.
Reviewing documents student’s upload
- Once your students begin uploading their necessary documentation, you may want to review it before they share the files with the site.
- Select Placements from your left-menu or dashboard.
- Select your desired course or placement group.
- If you selected a placement group, click Placements for Group.
- Select Placement Clearance from the ribbon at the top of the page.
- The page will load all of the students for the selected course or placement group. The column Requirement Upload Status will indicate if the student must upload additional documentation. You may see the following statuses:
- Get Started: student has not yet uploaded any required files
- Action Required: student has at least one document left to upload
- Uploaded: student has uploaded all required documents
- Not Applicable: student does not have to upload additional documentation
- To review student file uploads, click on the status.
- A drawer will open and will list the documentation that is required of them. For uploaded files, you will have an option to view the document.
- You can also download the files all at once.
- You can also download the files all at once.
- Please note, the feature for programs to share Student Requirement Uploads via the student profile has not been developed yet. Your students must share their profile via their Coursework section to share these documents
Contract Status on Clearance Dashboard
A Contract Status column next to Location Column in placement clearance dashboard has been introduced.
Status shows as 'Valid Contract' if the location has a contract that is
- Fully executed,
- Active, and
Valid through placement dates or is open-ended.
- Status shows as ‘Needs Attention' for sites/locations that do not meet all of the above.
- The status will show as 'Valid Contract' even for those placements where the placement end date is the same as the contract expiry date.
If the Location is associated with a single contract, the status will show :
Valid Contract: If the contract is in Fully Executive Status, Active, open-ended or Not expiring within the placement end date and the contract start date is not after the placement start date
Needs Attention (expiring during placement) : If the contract is in Fully Executive Status, Active, but expiring within the placement end date.
Needs Attention: For all other scenarios.
- If the location is associated with multiple contracts, the status will show the following:
Valid Contract (Multiple Contracts):If there is at least one contract with status as Fully Executed Status, Active and not expired (including open-ended contracts) and the contract is not expiring within the placement end date and the contract start date is not after the placement start date, this will be shown. Also, an additional label with multiple contracts associated will be shown along with shown.
Needs Attention(Expiring During Placement )(Multiple Contract): If there is at least one contract with status as Fully Executed Status, Active and not expired (including open-ended contracts), this will be shown. Also, an additional label with multiple contracts associated will also be shown along with shown. However, all contracts satisfying the above criteria are expiring during placements.
Needs Attention (Multiple Contracts): If there are no contracts with Fully executed and not expired and active, then the Needs Attention status will be shown along with the multiple contracts label.
If there are no contracts associated with the location, the status will show Needs Attention (Missing Contracts) :
Valid Contract: If the contract is in Fully Executive Status, Active, open-ended or Not expiring within the placement end date and the contract start date is not after the placement start date
Managing Assessments for Sites and Locations
An important part of clinical education is ensuring you make routine visits to connect with your clinical partners. In Exxat, you’re able to track these site assessments right within the system.
You can log site assessments for both Sites and Locations.
- Creating Custom Site Assessment forms
- Adding assessments for Sites
- Adding assessments for Locations
Creating Custom Site Assessment forms
Form Steup within the Setup tab allows you to independently configure site assessment forms. This eliminates the need to rely on Exxat support for assessment form creation. On the Form Setup page, you can create a new form, view the existing forms, clone, edit, and delete the form.
Based on the type of form, the following information and options are displayed:
- Form Name: The name you entered during form setup.
Status: Published or Draft, indicating the form's readiness for use.
- Published: Forms ready to capture assessment responses will be displayed under all the sites and locations profile.
Draft: Forms in draft state fall into two categories:
- Newly created forms awaiting publication.
- Edits to published forms. This can be done only to those published forms that has not been filled yet
- Last Updated By: Displays the name and date of the user who last created or updated the form.
Action: This section allows you to perform various actions on the configured form:
- Clone: Create a copy of an existing form for reuse with modification.
Publish : Publish a form that is ready to be used.
Note: Forms cannot be unpublished once they’re live, so please review everything carefully before publishing. -
Delete Form: Delete a form that you do not want to use.
Note : You will not be able delete standard forms and any custom form with responses. -
Edit: Edit a form in any state, as long as it has no responses (future phases will allow editing with responses).
Note: Standard forms cannot be edited. - Create New Form: Opens the form configuration screen for building a new form.
Creating New Form
To create a new form, perform the following:
- In the Setup screen, click Form Setup from the left menu.
- In the Assessment Form screen, click Create New Form.
- In the left pane, you can add your questions and in the right pane, you can configure and set properties.
- On the left pane, perform the following:
- In the New Section bar, click Add Question. You can select the type of question from the following menu:
- Single choice question: A question that offers a single correct or most appropriate answer from a list of options.
- Multiple choice question: A question that allows for multiple correct answers from a list of options.
- Short/long answer question: A question that requires a text-based response, either brief (short answer) or detailed (long answer).
- Title: To provide header within a section
- Select from dropdown: A question that has options in a dropdown menu
- Date Picker: A calendar-based interface that allows the user to select a specific date.
- Toggle: A toggle button that allows the user to switch between two states (e.g., on/off, true/false).
- Attestation: An option to agree/acknowledge a statement
- E-Signature: A digital signature that verifies the authenticity of a document or claim.
- Divider: A visual element that separates content sections within a form or page.
Text Editor: A tool that allows you to create, edit, and format text content when filling response
- In the Attributes section on the right pane, select the required attributes. Based on the type of question you select, following attributes will be displayed for you to select and specify:
Question Type: Select the type of question from the following options:
- Single Choice Question
- Multiple Choice Question
- Short/Long Answer Question
- Title
- Select From Dropdown
- Date Picker
- Toggle
- Attestation
- E-Signature
- Divider
- Text Editor
- Question : Type your question in the text box.
- Help Information: Additional text or instructions that provide more context or guidance for a question. Text added here will show on hovering on a '?'
- Comments: A toggle that allows site professionals to add optional comments or notes to their response.
- Make This Mandatory: A toggle that indicates whether a response to the question is mandatory. Ensures that critical information is collected from the user.
- Long Answer: A question type that requires an extended text-based response.
- Character Limit: The maximum number of characters allowed for this field. By default, it is set to 0 which means there is no limit.
- Enable E-sign: A toggle that indicates whether electronic signatures are required for this question or section of the form. Ensures the authenticity and integrity of the collected data.
- Answer Choices: The options available for the site professionals to select as their response.
Question Type: Select the type of question from the following options:
- In the New Section bar, click Add Question. You can select the type of question from the following menu:
- Option: The text displayed for each answer choice.
- Reordering: Allows the answer choices to be arranged in the desired order.
- Deletion: Allows answer choices to be removed if they are no longer necessary.
3. Once you have added the question and sections as required, you can use the following options:
Move Up: Shifts a question or section to a higher position within the form. Allows you to reorder questions or sections for better flow or organization.
Move Down: Shifts a question or section to a lower position within the form.
Delete: Removes a question or section from the form.
Duplicate: Creates a copy of a question or section.
Reposition: Rearrange questions or sections within the form.
4. Click Save As Draft to save the progress and continue editing without publishing the form.
5. Click Preview to review the form's layout, content, and functionality before publishing.
6. Click Publish to make the form available for filling under a site/location
7. Click Settings if you wish to include instructions or guidance for the form.
- Form Instruction Title: The title or heading for the instructions added to the form. Provides a clear and concise label for the instructions.
- Form Instruction Description: Provides sites with specific guidance, information, or requirements related to completing the form.
Viewing Forms
To view the assessment forms, perform the following:
- Go to Sites > Setup > Form Setup
- In the Assessment Forms screen, you can view the assessment forms with the following information:
- Form Name: The title assigned to the assessment form.
- Status: The current state of the form, such as Draft and Published.
- Last Updated By: The name, date, and time of the last modified the form.
Actions: Following actions can be performed for the required forms:
Publish: Makes the form available for completion by the intended audience.
Clone: Allows you to create a new form based on an existing template while maintaining the original form.
Edit: Allows you to make changes to the form's content, structure, or settings.
Delete: Allows you to remove unnecessary forms.
Adding assessments for Sites
- Select Sites from the left-menu.
- Find and select your desired site.
- Use the search or filter options to quickly find what you are looking for.
- Use the search or filter options to quickly find what you are looking for.
- On the ribbon at the top of the page, click on Assessments.
- The Page will load all logged Assessments. Click on + Add Assessment
- A drawer will open with three steps: Basic Details, Form Details, Summary & Follow Up. You can always save your progress if you’d like to complete the form at a later time.
- In the Basic Details section, you will provide:
- Basic information on the visit
- Placement details (if applicable)
- Upload files if needed.
- Click Next once done.
- The Form Details section you will has a default template built in. If you have your own form, you can get it created by contacting
- Once done, click Save Form Details, and Click Next.
- In the Summary & Follow-Up section you’ll provide a final assessment and indicate if this requires a follow-up. Click
- Your assessment will be saved. You can edit or delete them if needed.
Adding assessments for Location
- Select Sites from the left menu.
- Select Locations from the top banner.
- Find and select your desired location.
- Use the search or filter options to quickly find what you are looking for.
- Use the search or filter options to quickly find what you are looking for.
- Select Assessments from the left panel.
- The Page will load all logged Assessments. Click on + Add Assessment
- A drawer will open with three steps: Basic Details, Form Details, Summary & Follow Up. You can always save your progress if you’d like to complete the form at a later time.
- In the Basic Details section, you will provide:
- Basic information on the visit
- Placement Details (if applicable)
- Upload files if needed.
- Click Next once done.
- The Form Details section you will has a default template built in. If you have your own form, you can get it created by contacting Once done, click Save Form Details, and Click Next.
- In the Summary & Follow Up section you’ll provide a final assessment and indicate if this requires a follow up. Click
- Your assessment will be saved. You can edit or delete them if needed.
Managing Site and Locations Communications
When managing your clinical education program, you communicate with all stakeholders – sites, individual locations, students and their instructors. Whether you are connecting via phone, facetime, email, system-generated message or in person, keeping track of communication is easy with Communications.
Adding Site Communications
- Select Sites from the left-menu or dashboard.
- Find and select your desired Site.
- Click on the Communications tab from the ribbon at the top of the page.
- Explore the communications that have already been logged by filtering for the mode of communication, the need for follow-up, the person who initiated the communication or by searching the subject.
- To add a new communication, click + Add Communication.
- Enter the details you want to record and click Save.
- This communication now joins all others in the Communications section. To edit or delete a communication, click the pencil icon.
- A drawer will open.
- If you are making edits, once done click save.
- Click the 3 dotted icons to delete a communication log entry.
Adding Location Communications
- Select Sites from the left-menu or dashboard.
- Select Locations from the ribbon at the top of the page.
- Find and select your desired Location.
- Click on the Communications tab from the left panel.
- Explore the communications that have already been logged by filtering for the mode of communication, the need for follow-up, the person who initiated the communication or by searching the subject.
- To add a new communication, click + Add Communication.
- Enter the details you want to record and click Save.
- This communication now joins all others in the Communications section. To edit or delete a communication, click the pencil icon.
- A drawer will open.
- If you are making edits, once done click save.
- Click the 3 dotted icons to delete a communication log entry.
Managing Interventions for Site and Location
Interventions are meant to track any incidents or ongoing problems during a placement. You can log interventions for Sites, Locations, and personnel. The form is exactly the same no matter the pathway, and you can add as many follow ups within a single intervention as needed.
Adding Interventions for Sites
- Select Sites from the left-menu or dashboard.
- Find and select your desired Site.
- Click on the Interventions tab from the ribbon at the top of the page.
- The page will load all previously added interventions. Click on the + icon to add an entry.
- A drawer will open. You’ll be able to enter the following information. Click Save when done.
- Mode of intervention
- Details of intervention
- If this is an ongoing intervention, click on Add Follow Up.
- If you added a follow up, you’ll provide details of your planned follow up date. Click Save once done.
- The intervention will be listed on the main grid. To edit an intervention, click on the Subject of Intervention text.
- A drawer will open.
- Click on the pencil icon to make edits.
- Click on the trash bin to delete the intervention.
Adding Interventions for Locations
- Select Sites from the left-menu or dashboard.
- Select Locations from the ribbon at the top of the page.
- Find and select your desired Location.
- Click on the Interventions tab from the left panel.
- The page will load all previously added interventions. Click on the + icon to add an entry.
- A drawer will open. You’ll be able to enter the following information. Click Save when done.
- Mode of intervention
- Details of intervention
- If this is an ongoing intervention, click on Add Follow Up.
- If you added a follow up, you’ll provide details of your planned follow up date. Click Save once done.
- The intervention will be listed on the main grid. To edit an intervention, click on the Subject of Intervention text.
- A drawer will open.
- Click on the pencil icon to make edits.
- Click on the trash bin to delete the intervention.
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