Your school may require you to complete forms or evaluations in Exxat. Here is how you will access and complete them!
Video Tutorial:
During placement, your program will request that you complete certain activities such as: Forms/Assignments or Evaluations
How to Complete Forms and Evaluations from the Coursework Section:
1. Navigate to the coursework section by,
a.Click on the Coursework Section from the Old Student Dashboard.
Click on the Left Hand Hamburger Menu and select the Coursework Option.
Click on the View all Coursework Option from the New Student Dashboard
2. The system will display all courses you are registered for.
3. If you wish to see the courses that require placement click on Require Placement tab
4. The page will always list any current placements at the very top, followed by upcoming placements, and completed placements last.
5. This page will show you the details of all the courses you have been registered to and the placements overview, Select the placement for which you would like to complete the Form/Assignment, by clicking on the course offering name or on View Details.
6. Scroll down to the Forms/Evaluations section. The system will load any forms/assignments or evaluations your program has requested you to complete. Click on the name of the Form/Evaluation you want to work with.
7. If the form needs to be completed multiple times, you will see the “Add form” icon to complete the form multiple times as required and instructed by your School.
8. If your form requires you to select the Evaluator, please ensure you select the name of the clinical instructor/Preceptor/Supervisor who will complete the form.
9. You can Save the form and rework on the form. Once you have completed the form, please click on Submit.
10. To complete the Assignment, click on the assignment name you want to work with.
11. Click on Upload Files to upload the document as required and instructed by your School. You can Save the assignment and rework on the same later. Once you have completed fillin all the details, please click on Submit.
12. You can always click the form/assignment and click Download to download the copy of the form.
Accessing Forms or Evaluations from the New Student Dashboard:
To access and fill forms or evaluations:
1. Click on the View Learning Activities hyperlink from the dashboard
2. You will be taken to the learning activities section. An accordion will appear for each of your didactic courses and placements, where there are active forms and evaluations.
3. Click on a placement to view the forms and evaluations active in that course.
4. You can use the search bar to find any particular form or the evaluation you are looking for
5. Click on the drop-down icon to view all the forms assigned for a given course
6. Click on the status of a form to open the form.
7. You can fill out the form and be sure to click Save if you want to keep your responses. Once all the answers meet your expectations, click the Submit button to finalize. If you need to clear all responses, simply click the Clear All button.
8. You can also use the "Download" button to save and download all the responses.
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