This guide provides instructions for managing and reviewing clinical coursework, including placements, assignments, and preferences. It also explains how to view non-consecutive placement dates in a calendar view.
You will be able to view current and upcoming placements once they are published by your school. These will appear under the 'Required Placement' section on your coursework page for clinical courses.
For didactic courses, once your school has registered you, the coursework details will be available under the 'Do Not Require Placement' tab on the coursework page.
Managing Coursework
The Coursework section contains tons of information regarding your placements, read on to learn more! You can view detailed information about your clinical placements, including current, upcoming, and completed placements, as well as access various related tasks and resources.
To navigate to the Coursework Section:
1. Click on the Coursework Section from your Old Student Dashboard.
Click on the Left Hand Hamburger Menu and select the Coursework Option.
Click on the View all Coursework Option from the New Student Dashboard
3. The system will display all courses you are registered for.
4. If you wish to see the courses that require placement click on Require Placement tab
5. If you wish to see the didactic courses you can click on the Do No Require Placement tab
6. The page will always list any current placements at the very top, followed by upcoming placements, and completed placements last.
7. You can also use the filter options to sort the information by needs attention such as Attestation (Pending), Wishlist (Open), Wishlist (Yet to Open), My Request (Open), and My Request (Yet to Open). Additionally, you can filter by placement schedule, including Current, Upcoming, and Completed.
8. Click View Details to view additional information.
Note: On the course details page, you can view the Compliance Status. The status is displayed based on the compliance review status. The following are the statuses:
- No docs started
- Some actions Needed
- All doc Approved
9. Click the Attestation drop-down to view all the attestations for your course. Click I Agree to accept the attestation required for your course.
10. If your program will collect your preferences for a placement, you can easily identify a wishlist made available to you by the text “Wishlist closes on…” in the Needs Attention column under the coursework.
11. A current placement will have various components of information you can review, and assignments you will complete.
12. Location Details will include any information shared with you regarding the site. You can also share your profile.
13. The Course Activities will allow you to provide clinician information and show you all the assignments you must complete. Make sure to keep an eye on any due dates!
14. You can review course details under Course Information tab and any resources added by your program to assist you with any Course Activity items.
16. Review any preferences submitted if your program has enabled any wishlists for you under the Course Activity tab.
Display Non-consecutive Placement Dates under Coursework
The Clinical Coursework section contains tons of information regarding your placements.
You can access the calendar view for non-consecutive placement dates.
To navigate to the Coursework Section:
Click on the Coursework Section from the Old Student Dashboard.
Click on the Left Hand Hamburger Menu and select the Coursework Option.
Click on the View all Coursework Option from the New Student Dashboard
- The system will display all courses you are registered for.
- Click on the Require Placement tab
- The page will always list any current placements at the very top, followed by upcoming placements, and completed placements last.
- Click View Details to view additional information.
This page contains various components of placements including dates, attestations, forms, patient log, evaluator details, etc.
- Click on Calendar Icon just below the course name which allows you to check placement dates.
All non-consecutive placement dates are highlighted in the calendar view.
Important Note:-
- Current and upcoming placements can only be visible when your school publishes them.
- If you see that the date of your placement or course seems wrong you can contact your program administrator
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