Your school may collect your placement preferences via a wishlist, which will allow you to select sites that have provided placement availability. Here’s how to do it.
Video Tutorial:
- Go to Dashboard and click Coursework.
- OR
- Go to the menu on the top left corner and click Coursework.
- The system will display all courses you are registered for.
- If you wish to see the courses that requires placement click on Require placement tab
- If you wish to see the didactic courses you can click on Do No Require Placement tab
- The page will always list any current placements at the very top, followed by upcoming placements, and completed placements last.
- Select the placement from the left side that you need to complete a wishlist for by clicking View Details.
- Click on the wishlist name to get started.
- The wishlist will load, and you will first have to select states to explore locations that have offered availability for a placement.
a. You can pick and choose states or select all states at once. Click Apply once done.
- Click on the Location name to view additional information.
- A drawer will open showing you any information that has been shared with you.
- Add the sites to your list by clicking on the add icon, once you have added all the slots you’d like to save as Draft. Click on Rank selections to rank your locations.
- Now you’ll rank the sites starting with the site you’re most interested in. Drag and drop each selected site to rank them in your preferred order. To go to the next step, click on Questions.
- Answer any questions (if any) that your school has setup for you and click Review and Submit.
- Review your wishlist and add wishlist Notes (if any).
- Once done, make sure to check off the statement acknowledging you understand changes cannot be made after submission.
- Click submit. You can Save as Draft if you aren’t quite done with your wishlist yet.
a. Once you submit, the form will lock, and if you need to make any changes you will have to contact your school to have them unlock it for you.
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