When getting ready for a placement, your program may request that you share your profile with a clinical site so that they can get to know you better! Your profile will include handy information such as a personal statement, emergency contact information, compliance documents, and more!
There are 2 ways of sharing your profile – each method has different features.
- Via Profile page
- Via Coursework page
My Profile
1a. If you are using the new student dashboard, click on the Edit Profile hyperlink from the new dashboard, or click on the upper left-hand Hamburger Icon and select the profile option.
1b. If you are using the old dashboard, click on the Profile section from your dashboard
2. On your profile page, click Share Profile.
3. A drawer will open. You will first decide if you would like to include contact information, compliance items your program has allowed you to share, and any previous placement details.
4. Click on the arrow (>) to open the list items. Pick and choose what you would like to share.
5. Enter in the email address you’d like to send your profile to in the To* field, CC any required users, and enter any notes. You can also attach files if necessary.
6. If you’d like to view a preview of your profile, click on the vertical ellipsis, and click Preview. Click Send when ready.
7. A pop-up will open with your profile. Click anywhere outside the pop-up to close.
1. Navigate to the coursework section by,
a. Click on the View all Coursework Option from the New Student Dashboard.
b. Click on the Left Hand Hamburger Menu and select the Coursework Option.
c. Click on the Coursework Section from the Old Student Dashboard.
2. Select the placement you would like to send your profile for by clicking View Details.
3. Your placement details will load. Click Share Profile.
4. You will then decide on whether to include the following components. Click on the (>) icon to view items you can share.
- Include contact information in the profile link
- Include personal contacts of student
- Include address information of student
- Include emergency contacts of student
- Include completed program requirements that student has completed
- Include compliance documents in the profile link where you can selectively choose which document you want to share
- Include completed placements in the profile link where the basic details like Course name, Location Details, preceptor/instructor name and placement details.
5. Click on the arrow (>) to open the list items. Pick and choose what you would like to share.
6. Enter in the email address you’d like to send your profile to in the To* field, CC any required users, and enter any notes. You can also attach files if necessary.
7. If you’d like to view a preview of your profile, click on the vertical ellipsis, and click Preview. Click Send when ready.
8. A pop-up will open with your profile. Click anywhere outside the pop-up to close.
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