Exxat offers a comprehensive system for tracking and reviewing patient encounters during student placements. By utilizing this feature, instructors can monitor and evaluate student interactions with patients efficiently. This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to activate patient logs, set preferences, and review logs for students enrolled in your courses. With Exxat, managing patient encounters becomes streamlined, ensuring both students and instructors have a clear and organized record of clinical experiences.
Activating Patient Logs
Within Exxat, your students can add patient encounters for you to track and review during a placement.
1. Select Courses from your dashboard or left panel menu.
2. On the Course Offerings page, find and select the course to manage. Use the search or filter options to quickly find the course
3. Expand the Learning Activities option on the left panel and select Setup.
4. Another pathway to take is by going to Learning Activities from the dashboard or left panel menu.
5. Find the course to manage and click Setup from the action column.
6. The system will load all learning activities and will indicate if they are activated or not activated. Click on the pencil icon for Patient Logs.
7. A drawer will open. Make sure to activate the patient log and set the preferences. Once done, click on save.
- Select Log Type: Our support team will create any patient logs to be utilized by the program. Please contact prism-support@exxat.com for any changes to existing logs or creation of new log types.
- Log must be created within days of patient encounter: Limit how far back in time students can go to log encounters.
- Grading: If the log needs to be graded and a part of the student’s final score, then mark it as yes.
- Customize columns displayed when reviewing patient logs: set the columns shown to reviewers.
- Allow students to send patient logs to the Preceptor for review. If the log needs to be sent to the preceptor for review, select yes.
- Do you want to enable automatic approval of logs upon submission? If the school will not review & approve the logs for each student manually for this course, then select ‘Yes’. This will automatically approve the submitted logs.
- Enable attestation: show verbiage for acknowledgment by each reviewer (applicable to all reviewers: school, faculty, educator).
8. Click save, which will now reflect the status for the patient log as ‘Activated’.
Reviewing Patient Logs by Course
Once students begin completing their learning activities, you can review them for all students registered for a course you are associated with!
- Select Courses from your dashboard or left menu.
- On the Course Offerings page, find and select the course you’d like to manage.
- Expand the Learning Activities option on the left panel and select Review.
- Select Patient Logs from the left panel.
- You’ll be taken to the Patient Logs page, which will display all placed students and their current log count, a breakdown by status, and recent activity details.
- Click on any of the status counts to begin reviewing patient logs.
- A drawer will open. You’ll have a tally at the top indicating how many logs are in each status.
- To review an individual log, click on the LOG ID.
- The log will open, you can then review the form. If the form looks good, you can:
a. Approve the log: will inform the student the log has been reviewed and will allow them to make further changes if needed.
b. Approve & Lock the log: inform the student the log has been reviewed and will NOT allow them to make further changes. - If the form needs additional information or changes, provide feedback, and select Needs Attention.
- You can also approve logs in bulk for a selected student!
- To view a statistics report on a single student, click on the graph icon on the Patient Logs main page.
- A drawer will open, and you can view information by setting and rotation.
a. Please note, the statistics report is updated four times a day. Data entered may not be reflected instantly.
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